Establish a Cross-Chain WG

wgNameCross-Chain Working Group
wgLeadTonyjin (@tonyjin)
authorTonyjin, Bilby

Working Group Name

Cross-Chain Working Group (XCWG)

Working Group Lead

Discord: tonyjin_wl

Github: tonyjin


To compete with centralized exchanges, Infinex will need to serve as a gateway to decentralized applications across multiple ecosystems, while seamlessly abstracting away token bridging and blockchains from the perspective of the user. Achieving this will require cross-chain messaging that is scalable, secure, and doesn't compromise on security or trustlessness.

W7, Aka "Wormhole Labs" have been researching decentralized cross-chain messaging since 2021, and have developed multiple products that enable secure abstraction of blockchains. Namely relevant for this proposal:

  • Wormhole Connect: Embeddable frontend component that enables low-cost cross-chain asset transfers with destination gas dropoff
  • Wormhole CCTP: Native USDC transfers composed with Wormhole messages
  • Token Bridge: Enables cross-chain asset transfer by locking native tokens and minting synthetic representations
  • Standard Relayer: Enables Wormhole core messaging integrations without the need to run off-chain relayer infrastructure. Powered by a network of decentralized relayers
  • Wormhole Queries: Decentralized reads of on-chain data attested by Wormhole's validator (Guardian) set
  • Cross-chain Governance: The casting of votes across multiple chains as well as the execution of governance decisions
  • Wormhole Native Token Transfers (NTT): Burn and mint token bridging solution with custom rate limiting for enhanced security.

The XCWG will be led by Tony Jin, Co-Founder & CTO of Wormhole Labs, to investigate and propose cross-chain infrastructure to scale Infinex across multiple ecosystems:

  • Token Bridging
  • Cross-chain Messaging
  • Cross-chain Token Swaps
  • Cross-chain Governance
  • New Chain Expansion Advisement

The XCWG will also collaborate with the Core Working Group to investigate and propose integrations that leverage cross-chain infrastructure, with an emphasis on non-EVM ecosystems like Solana ecosystem. They will also assist the Core Working Group in acquiring rust engineering resources.


Budget Rationale

The XCWG will collaborate with the Core Working Group as an in-kind contribution to the protocol. They won't require a cash budget from the Infinex treasury for the foreseeable future.


Timeline Rationale

The working group will be established indefinitely.

Release Candidate Frequency

The nature of the work proposed by the XCWG will require a proposal via XIPs. Any release candidates will be released on an ad hoc basis.

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