Alpha Launch

authorSpinxho, kmao, bilby

Proposal Summary

XIP Alpha Launch outlines the proposed framework for the launch of Infinex Alpha on Mainnet.



XIP Alpha Launch proposes the following:

  1. The selection process of the Infinex thirteen alpha users.
  2. The allocation of 1,000 USDC by the Infinex Council to each Infinex account.
  3. The creation of an Infinex landing page to reflect and market the product in it's alpha state.


Before Infinex enters a full public launch, it requires private testing to assess performance and gather user feedback. Following the initial phase with the Infinex Testnet, the Infinex Alpha is set to continue this process.

To move forward with the Infinex Alpha, where users will be able to trade on Mainnet, the following issues need to be addressed:

  1. The lack of a selection framework for initial Alpha users.
  2. The inherent uncertainty associated with depositing personal assets to an untested platform on Mainnet.
  3. The absence of a landing page which presents Infinex and its particular features.

Technical Specification

Alpha product scope The Infinex alpha release will be an implementation on Base mainnet of the systems and architecture proposed in:

Thirteen alpha users selection

The following selection model is proposed to select the thirteen alpha users.

Testnet Users: 5 users

The Infinex Testnet involved 28 traders who committed time to an interview with the Infinex contributors.

The Testnet Leaderboard is to be posted in the Discord every 24 hours until Alpha.

Only the top five Testnet traders, determined by final account balance, will be selected for the Alpha to promote activity and competition.

Waitlist: 3 users

The top three users from the waitlist will be invited to the alpha. Ranking is based on the order in which they joined the waitlist, and the number of referrals they brought to the waitlist. The Infinex Council will make this selection.

Marketing campaign: 5 users

Five spots will be reserved for the Infinex Council to distribute in confluence with the marketing strategy for the Infinex alpha.

If any of the above parties are invited to the alpha and do not respond to the invitation to set up their account within a day, the Core Contributor seat has the right to rescind their offer and pass it to the next eligible person.

Fund Allocation

In the Infinex Alpha, the Infinex First Thirteen will be allocated 1,000 USDC by the Infinex council. This is intended to mitigate any uncertainties associated with depositing personal assets into an untested platform on Mainnet.

For the duration of the Alpha, trading accounts will be deployed without withdrawal functionality, as funds are still owned by the Infinex DAO. At the end of the Alpha period, the Infinex council can propose a new account implementation that allows users to withdraw their balance – the traders will need to approve this upgrade with their browser key.

Landing Page

If this XIP is passed, the current Infinex landing page is to be re-designed and deployed by the Infinex core contributors before the launch of the Infinex Alpha to reflect the state of the product and help with marketing efforts.


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